Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm not who I was

Every semester I like to take the time to reflect on who I useto be, who I want to be, and where I am at life.
--I also look back over ppast journal entries to remind myself where I was at that point in life--
While the change isn't dramatic, I notice. My actions are similiar, my outward life is simliar, but the motives inside my heart are changed. It's amazing how much our thoughts can differ from what other's see and not even purposely. I was reminded this week that:
Proverbs 21:2 ESV --Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart.

How's your heart? Are your motives pure?

What's my motive? That his might power be known.
Psalm 106:8 ESV --Yet he saved them for his name's sake, that he might make known his mighty power

In youth group we have been talking about Sin, God's wrath, grace, and walking out faith.
It's amazing how one verse can grab you. There's a passage in the bible that says (paraphrasing) anytime you know something is wrong but do it anyway... that's sin.

Reality Check: Is what you're doing making God's power known, or are you doing whatever you want because it 'looks, feels, seems' good?

It's so easy to have wrong motives, how wicked can our thoughts quickly become. But when we bounce all our thoughts against the standard of "does this glorify God?" 1. We say less. 2. We speak life.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

black clouds

Another week and more sadness.
There is no way to explain to anyone who doesn't live here exactly how much loss our community has been experiencing. This week, three more young adults passed away. About a year and and a half ago was the beginning of a never ending snowball of deaths of young people and it has seemed to be increasing dramatically in the last 4 months.

Lord, release our community from this oppression. Break the chains of addictions in the lives of our young people. FREEDOM Lord, bring freedom into the community.
To the drug addicts, freedom.
To the depressed and suicidal, freedom.
To the self-mutliators, freedom.
To those with cancer, freedom.

“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19)

Lord, ignite our city with passion and love for you, that we, as a city, can trample over the power of the enemy!- Amen

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Last year, I asked my awesome Facebook friends to donate to one of my favorite non-profit organizations To Write Love on Her Arms. This incredible movement is dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. My favorite line of their vision statement is this: You need to know that rescue is possible, that freedom is possible, that God is still in the business of redemption. I still encourage you: buy a T-shirt, check out the organization, read the facts, and get educated about how many people are struggling and how to help.This year though, I'm asking something a little different. I'm asking you to take part in the movement.

This year, I'm asking you, my  friend, to show love to someone who is struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, or wrestling with thoughts of ending thier life. LOVE is the movement. Take time this week, this month, this year to not shy away from people who seem down, but conciously make the decision to show LOVE to them. Pick up the phone and call to check up on people, defend the friendless, encourage constantly, and speak LIFE into others at all time. (and grab some coffee/tea/McD's with someone who may be having a hard time... let them talk, and just LISTEN).Today I'm celebrating my birthday in loving memory of everyone who lost the battle to depression, addiction, self-injury and suicidal thoughts..... praying that no more shall perish.

Maybe one person can't change the entire world*, but we can change 'the world' of one person's life, or twenty! =)

---* Except Jesus, He was one person who changed THE WORLD!!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Boxed IN!

Today was a long, fun, sweaty day at work moving 50 lb boxes FOREVER! The best part, was being able to talk with my coworkers as I worked! It's been a crazy long summer without talking with them! You form friendships with your coworkers and I am so blessed to be working with an amazing random group of individuals!   I'm looking foward to continuing our conversations about faith/God. =)

I saw this quote last night and it has been tumbling through my mind like crazy:

Tonight, if you are in Christ, you are not struggling to be free.
In Christ, you are free to struggle."

I don't know about you, but I often feel 'boxed in' my sin... stuck. Even after I remind myself I am an overcomer, I still wonder when that 'OVER' part is going to start happening... of course the answer is perfection is in heaven, but seriously!? Can't I get anything right!? So when I saw this quote I was reminded of how true it is. Struggling to be free is living in bondage: It's living inside the box and not being able to escape. I'm free to struggle. Those who are in Christ, thier already free. The box is already been removed now it's about accepting freedom and walking in light of the freedom.
Box-bondage- darkness
no box- freedom- light

I love how my brain works =)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Birthday Dinner

My family likes to go out for fancy dinner's for birthdays. My dad started the tradition because he has a deep love for steakhouses. For the last year or two of birthdays we've been going to expensive steakhouses for birthdays as a family. Here's the deal though, I DON'T LIKE STEAK! I know, I'm crazy.. but I'm not a huge fan of red meat. It's also unfortunate to go to a steakhouse, because often they have seafood, which I also can not eat due to allergies. This year, my parents -knowing I don't like going to the steakhouse- decided I can PICK the place to eat at. After much debate, checking out nutritional information I came up with one conlusion:
The closest Chipotle is an hour and a half away, And it will be the BEST drive ever knowing that my burrito bowl is the end goal!!!
My love for Chipotle began when attending a college in MN because the campus cafe was closed Sunday Nights and so we ate out. Pizza gets boring quickly, but Chipotle... never gets boring!! =)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fight Like Hell

Yes, I just said Hell. Take a deep breathe and chill for a second!
Recently I have been thinking about spiritual warfare and how it plays out in my day to day life. And this is the conclusion I came too, it's time to 'fight like Hell' against Hell. For the thousands of years humans have been alive Satan and his 'fallen angels posey' have been actively pursuing one goal... to seperate us from God. He's been relentessly attacking individuals. He never sleeps, never slumbers.  And unforunately for him, the secret to overcoming his attacks are the same. We must actively pursue one 'goal'.... Christ. Never sleeping, never slumbering, relentlessly pursuing Christ with our whole hearts. 

What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his very soul?--Mark 8:36
“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.” Psalm 119:11

Tuesday, July 26, 2011